Server Information Total Votes
Server Rank 3
Platform L2J
Language English
Chronicle CT0 Interlude
Category Lineage 2 (Games)
Online 4 years 3 months and 22 days
Server Status:
Discord Discord
Added 2020-04-04 20:06:03
Open: 2020-04-12 20:00:00
Premium Go Premium

Server Rates
Exp: x5000
SP: x5000
Adena: x1000
Drops: x1
Safe Enchant: +3
Max Enchant: +20
Server Customs
GM Shop
Global GK
Offline Shop
RaidBoss Status
Quest Item Shop
PC Bang Points Shop
Dye Shop
Boss Shop
Custom Zone
Custom Monsters
Custom Raidboss
Custom GrandBoss
Custom Boss Level
Custom Weapons
Custom Armor
Custom Champion Monsters
Custom Drops
Autolearn Skills
Official Siege time
Official Olympiad time
Automatic Events
Auto Pickup
Custom Commands
Custom Community Board

Basic Information

Experience Rates: x5000

SP Rates: x5000

Adena: x 1000

Party Exp: x 1.5

Party SP: X 1.5

Enchant Rates:

Safe +3

Normal Enchant Scrolls 65%

Blessed Max Enchant +14 with 90% rates

On blassed fail: +3 to +7 on failure +3 +7 to +10 on failure -1 +11 to +14 on failure -2

There is a small chance to enchant item +2 instead of +1

Crystal max +16( with 50% ratesafter break enchant

still the same)

Custom Scroll / PvP max Enchant +20

PvP Enchant(every 10 kill a randomly item will be enchanted +1) only in lvl 3 items and after +16

Augmentation Rates:

Augment Skills 1+1

High grade life stone - 10%

Top grade life stone - 15%

Custom Features:

Custom Weapons: Ancient GoldIcarusAbyssal (Same status)

Custom Armors: VesperEpicDyantsty (Same status)

Custom's are 3 levels starting from the first(50%) and you update to second(75%) and finally to 100% which is the top level
Upgrating Weapon/Armor will keep your augment/enchant

Epic Mask (From Special Boss)

3 Zone types(SafePvp-Pk AllowedNo Pk allowed)

BE CAREFULL: If you dont follow each zone rules you will get jailed for 10 minutes

Cancellation System after 10 sec you get buffs back

Healers now are getting pvp's from their party

Rune Pages:

You can have 6 Rune Pages in your status

But You can Select only 1 page

You can obtain them by dungeonsBosses


Custom Bosses every hour

Epic Bosses every 3 Hour's

Special Boss every 4 Hour's






Lucky Chests

1vs1 event

Party Farm every 6 hours with 1 event hour duration


Party Farm:

Open every 6 hour

Duration 1 hour

Custom Mini Bosses with good drops

Minimum players for enter is 3


Olympiad period evert 1 week

Heroes will be given 1 hour after Sunday olympiad end(Monday 1:00 AM)

Olympiads arenas re?tail like

Class Announcement in start

No custom items allowed

Max enchant is +14

The rankings update after every match you play

The Olympiad begins every day at 18:00 and ends at 00:00 AM (GMT+2)