Server Information
- Rate: 500 xp 500 sp 250 adena
- Boss: 2x
- Enchant: 65%
- Blessed Scroll Enchant: 80%
- Scroll Enchant of Destruction: 30%
- Divine Scroll Enchant: 100%
- Safe: +6
- Max. Enchant: +25
- Buff Time: 2h
- Offline Trade 100%
Automatic Events
- TownWar Team vs Team Capture the Flag Domination Mass Domination Deathmatch Last Man Standing TvT Advanced Single
Players Fight Party Fights Korean Style Mini TvT.
Anti-Bot System
- Blocked L2Net L2Tower L2Walker CP Reload etc...
- Game clients quantity-control launched from the same hardware.
- An ability to ban the hardware.
Important Notes
- Inactive accounts to 3 months will be deleted.