Server Information Total Votes
Server Rank 17
Platform L2J
Language English
Chronicle Prelude PTS
Category Lineage 2 (Games)
Online 3 years 7 months and 29 days
Server Status:
Discord Discord
Added 2020-11-27 17:41:03
Open: 2020-12-07 05:30:00
Premium Go Premium

Server Rates
Exp: x1000
SP: x1000
Adena: x100
Drops: x2
Safe Enchant: +6
Max Enchant: +21
Server Customs
GM Shop
Global GK
Offline Shop
RaidBoss Status
Quest Item Shop
PC Bang Points Shop
Dye Shop
Boss Shop
Custom Zone
Custom Monsters
Custom Raidboss
Custom GrandBoss
Custom Boss Level
Custom Weapons
Custom Armor
Custom Champion Monsters
Custom Drops
Autolearn Skills
Official Siege time
Official Olympiad time
Automatic Events
Auto Pickup
Custom Commands
Custom Community Board


Exp/SP: x1000
Adena: x100
Drop: x1 (Vip x2)
Spoil: No Needed (yet)
Raid Boss Drop: x1
Safe Enchant: +6
Max Enchant: +21
Normal Enchant Chance: 65%
( untill +16 )
Blessed Enchant Chance: 90%
( untill +16 )
Crystal Enchant Chance: 40%
( From 6-21 )
Skill of Enchant Chance: Easy Until +10(Hard Max 13)

Maximum Clients per PC: 2
2h duration on all buffs.(Unlimited)
Dance/Song slots: 12
Skills are Auto learn.
Automatic loot for monsters.
Manual loot for raid bosses & epic bosses.
1st 2nd 3rd profession change for free.
Mana Potions: 500 MP Restoration with 3 seconds cooldown.
Champion Monsters (10% chance to spawn) x2 Drops

Custom Items:

Rayon Armor
Dark Knight Armor
Infinity Weapon
Valakas Weapon#

Angel Treasure (Farm Item)
Devil Blood (Farm Item)
Tournament Gold Battler (Event Item)
Donate Tickets (Donate Item)

OLYMPIAD Start's After 2 Weeks

Olympiad is every week.
New heroes every Sunday.
Heroes weapons will be disabled for the first 2 Oly Periods.
Olympiad needs 9 minimum participants to begin.
Olympiad matches take places from Tuesday to Saturday 5 days a week.
100 Olympiad Matches per player.
+6 maximum enchant limit in Olympiad Games.


/offline ( Use this command after you setup your private store to go in "Offline Trade Mode" - Requires Premium Account)
/withdraw ( Exchange's your Gold Bars to Adena 500kk )
/deposit ( Exchange's your 500k Adena To 1 Gold Bar )
/menu ( Personal Menu Refuse pmpartytradexp And More )
/Vip ( Personal VIP Menu Surprise )
/hero ( Personal Hero Menu InfoPeriod Time Left )
/Vote ( Vote System Every 12 Hours For Reward And Extra Help ( Extra Vote Buff )