Server Information Total Votes
Server Rank 110
Platform L2J
Language English
Chronicle CT2.6 High Five
Category Lineage 2 (Games)
Online 3 years 7 months and 23 days
Server Status:
Discord Discord
Added 2020-12-03 18:07:43
Open: 2020-12-03 18:07:43
Premium Go Premium

Server Rates
Exp: x100
SP: x1
Adena: x1000
Drops: x1
Safe Enchant: +3
Max Enchant: +16
Server Customs
GM Shop
Global GK
Offline Shop
RaidBoss Status
Quest Item Shop
PC Bang Points Shop
Dye Shop
Boss Shop
Custom Zone
Custom Monsters
Custom Raidboss
Custom GrandBoss
Custom Boss Level
Custom Weapons
Custom Armor
Custom Champion Monsters
Custom Drops
Autolearn Skills
Official Siege time
Official Olympiad time
Automatic Events
Auto Pickup
Custom Commands
Custom Community Board

Welcome to a New Server designed around PvP and Community. Grind up your character quickly in this advanced 100x server with custom shop custom farm zones and custom events. This is a NO P2W server.
Rewards go to those who earn it! Get in the Fight!

Below are the rates of the server Details include XP SP Siege Olympiad Buffs Enchant and other settings.
Below are the Server Custom configs Which includes Items Mobs NPC Shops and other configs that are available ingame.
Xp Rate: 100x
Sp Rate: 1x
Adena Rate: 1000x
Buffs Duration: 2 hr
Subclass max LvL: 85
Enchant Max: 20
Enchant Success: 60%
Buffs 28/12 +4
​Active GM's and/Discord
Fair/Balance Gameplay
​Seven Signs
Server Maintaince Weekly
2 hour Sieges
Rebirth Engine
PvP Color Name
Marriage System
Free Teleport
Augment system 70%
​Life Stones 90%
Multi Skill Server
Champion Mob Lvl 20-99
Champion Drop: Aria Coin
GM Shop
Aria Coin Shop
Player Rewards
Custom Zones
Main Events
Town Events
Monthly Holiday Events
No P2W for Donations
Olympiad Every 2 Weeks
Custom Community Board Services
​Custom Fishing Shop
Prime Eval IslanD Custom Drop
Donations only for cosmetic items
Forum Events
Custom Events
PvP Reward
Custom Castle Shop
Buffs Cancel System
​Achievement System