Server Information Total Votes
Server Rank 34
Platform L2J
Language English
Chronicle ETA 6.1 Classic 2.9.5 Secret of the Empire Part 2
Category Lineage 2 (Games)
Online 3 years 3 months and 11 days
Server Status:
Discord Discord
Added 2021-04-15 16:12:15
Open: 2021-04-15 04:12:15
Premium Go Premium

Server Rates
Exp: x5
SP: x5
Adena: x3
Drops: x1
Safe Enchant: +3
Max Enchant: +10
Server Customs
GM Shop
Global GK
Offline Shop
RaidBoss Status
Quest Item Shop
PC Bang Points Shop
Dye Shop
Boss Shop
Custom Zone
Custom Monsters
Custom Raidboss
Custom GrandBoss
Custom Boss Level
Custom Weapons
Custom Armor
Custom Champion Monsters
Custom Drops
Autolearn Skills
Official Siege time
Official Olympiad time
Automatic Events
Auto Pickup
Custom Commands
Custom Community Board

Full Buff on Alt+B | Auto Farm | Max Enchant +10 | No bots! (Smart Guard 3.1) | Mana Potion | Auto Potion | No P2W | Max Dual Box | Buffs 1 hr | 350+ Online | Long Life for YEARS! | Started January 23 | Join Us!

Starter Pack Grátis para todas as novas contas criadas a partir de 06 de Março de 2021! Aproveite e venha construir sua história no WarstowN Project!
Free Starter Pack for all new accounts created from March 6 2021! Enjoy and come to begin your story on the WarstowN Project!

New Skin with PvP status! Available only by Mark of Battle.

Fique seguro fique em casa! Aglomerações permitidas apenas no WarstowN!
Stay safe stay home! Crowds allowed only on WarstowN!

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