Server Information Total Votes
Server Rank 14
Platform L2OFF
Language English
Chronicle Prelude PTS
Category Lineage 2 (Games)
Online 3 years 2 months and 0 days
Server Status:
Discord Discord
Added 2021-05-26 05:25:24
Open: 2018-02-09 19:00:00
Premium YES (0000-00-00 00:00:00)

Server Rates
Exp: x1
SP: x1
Adena: x1
Drops: x1
Safe Enchant: +1
Max Enchant: +1
Server Customs
GM Shop
Global GK
Offline Shop
RaidBoss Status
Quest Item Shop
PC Bang Points Shop
Dye Shop
Boss Shop
Custom Zone
Custom Monsters
Custom Raidboss
Custom GrandBoss
Custom Boss Level
Custom Weapons
Custom Armor
Custom Champion Monsters
Custom Drops
Autolearn Skills
Official Siege time
Official Olympiad time
Automatic Events
Auto Pickup
Custom Commands
Custom Community Board

Server description Lineage 2 C4 New Era
Launched on: 9 February 2018
Server time: +3 UTC
Platform: С4 PTS​

New Era is a classic game world designed for long-term gameplay. Easy start balanced rate and many different improvements will help players to plunge into the warm feeling of playing on a truly old-school Chronicles Lineage II - "Scions of Destiny".

Bonuses for beginning players

All starting bonuses players will receive in stages after reaching a certain level.
Important! If you do not accept a gift during 2 levels the bonus system for the character will be disabled. Do not ignore the bonuses issue.

Level 1-Rune 100% exp/sp/drop/spoil (24 hours) soulshots spiritshots
Level 9-set of NG armor (7 days)
Level 19-sets D grade (magicians-Knowledge top and bottom warriors-Mithril jacket and pants for 14 days) as well as a supply of D soulshots/spiritshots
Level 30-Rune +50% drop/spoil (24 hours) and stock D soulshots/spiritshots
Level 40 - Rune +100% drop/spoil (24 hours) and stock with soulshots/spiritshots
C middle weapons added to the "weapons for beginners".
Buff for beginners is available up to level 40 inclusive.
Teleport for beginners is available up to level 40.
Guides for beginners added in Dion Giran and MDT.
Getting game help

For offline trading open the trading shop and leave the game. Requires 10000 adena. Duration of offline trading: 3 days.
With the help of the command .menu you can:
Get information about the RB status
Get information about bonuses
PvP/PK statistics
Protect your account with hwid
Register for the TvT tournament
Enable Shift + click. When you click on a mob with shift enabled information about the drop/spoil appears. Also the information about drop and spoil is available in the description of mob skills when targeting.

In Alt + X a "Help" is available where you will find:

Tasks for changing your profession
General tasks
Note on weapons and equipment
Available commands and keyboard shortcuts
Technical work

A period has been set for scheduled server restarts during which updates and adjustments will be made or preventive maintenance will be performed

Weekly on Mondays 11:00 Moscow time.

During this period it is not recommended to plan important events and use experience runes.
After a weekly restart it is advisable to update the game client.
All information about current work and updates can be found in the relevant sections of the forum.


Added more Clan Halls in Oren Heine Hunter and Rune
Wedding between the characters is available
Added a PvP platform in Ketra for conducting contractual battles between clans. Installed NPC for HP/CP recovery
Increased the strength of siege flags crystals and castle gates
Clan size increased to 120 people
Rheumatism and Flu have been added to Hot Springs. Debuff Cholera removed from the skills of most mobs.
Removed the ability to capture enemies using the /target command (including using macros)
Added automatic TvT event
Mana Potion craft is available in castles
Added the function of granting privileges to use the clan warehouse.
A player who has the privilege can pick up items from the clan warehouse.
This privilege can only be granted by the clan leader using commands:
.cwh_add - adds the player to the list
.cwh_del - removes a player from the list
.cwh_list - view players who have access to the clan treasury

Standard period of the olympic fights.
The sharpening limit to all is set +5
For a draw both participants in the fight lose 1/3 points
When relog during the countdown for teleportation to the olympic stadium the player loses 1/3 points
All skills are rolled back after the end of the battle
RB and Epic Bosses​

Added a new RB Astaroth whose respawn begins after the announcement in the game world and lasts 40 minutes.
Remade the location of Zaken. At 23:40 in game time the NPC Barbossa appears and sends players to the ship.
The Ant Queen respawn zone is not available for high-level players (players above level 46 receive an anchor).
On a long relog (more than 10 minutes) in the Ant Nest zone the character is sent to the city.
Chance of dropping Epic jewelry (Baium Valakas Antharas) - 70%.
Remade the lair of Valakas. After teleporting from the heart the characters are immediately in the lair.
A relog with a maximum duration of 5 minutes is available in Valakas ' lair.

You can get the information about marriage at NPC Pythia which is located in Giran city at the entrance to the main temple.
For the wedding ceremony you will need: 15000000 adena and a wedding dress.
For getting divorced you can use the command .divorce
Discussion of weddings is in a separate topic of the forum.

TvT event​

TVT Schedule:
for players of 61-75 levels
18:00 " Death Match"
18:30 "Last Team Standing"
for players of 76-78 levels
18:00 "Death Match"
18:30 "Last Team Standing"