Server Information Total Votes
Server Rank 32
Platform L2J
Language English
Chronicle CT0 Interlude
Category Lineage 2 (Games)
Online 3 years 0 months and 8 days
Server Status:
Discord Discord
Added 2021-07-18 21:46:54
Open: 2021-07-23 18:00:00
Premium Go Premium

Server Rates
Exp: x7
SP: x7
Adena: x10
Drops: x6
Safe Enchant: +4
Max Enchant: +16
Server Customs
GM Shop
Global GK
Offline Shop
RaidBoss Status
Quest Item Shop
PC Bang Points Shop
Dye Shop
Boss Shop
Custom Zone
Custom Monsters
Custom Raidboss
Custom GrandBoss
Custom Boss Level
Custom Weapons
Custom Armor
Custom Champion Monsters
Custom Drops
Autolearn Skills
Official Siege time
Official Olympiad time
Automatic Events
Auto Pickup
Custom Commands
Custom Community Board

Increase drop chance of quest:
Ghost of Batur
Heart in Search of Power
Alliance with Varka
Alliance with Ketra
Gather the Flames
For Sleepless Deadmen
Rise and Fall of the Elroki tribe
Explorations of Giants Caves 1 & 2
The Zero Hour
Stolen Dignity
Kails Magic Coin
Coin of Magic
Illegitimate Child Of A Goddess

First Class Fee: Free + Reward Lvl 20 D Grade Box
Second Class Fee: Free
Third Class Fee: Vote Coin & Adena
You can get Vote Coin for free every day just voting!
Sublass: Retail Quest
Nobless: Retail Quest

Buffs Slots: 20 + 4 Divine Inspiration
Durations: All buffs 30 minutes.

Client Support: Interlude
Maximum Clients per PC: 1 main + 2 box
Shop & Donate shop: Shop up to C Grade & donate shop only for skins or Accesories
Global Chat (!): Global Chat
Dualsword Craft Stamp: Available to buy from Merchant of Mammon cost 4.000.000 Ancient Adena
Cursed Weapons (Zariche/Akamanah): Enabled
Gatekeeper: Free Global Gatekeeper
Simple NPC buffer: Gives basic buffs for leveling
Seven Signs: Retail
Auto-learn skills: Yes
Restore Life Skill: Disabled on Grand Boss only
Shift+Click/.drop on the monster shows you its droplist
Items on Ground: Autodeleted in 60 minutes
Spawn protection: 15 seconds
Offline Shop with Auto save/load list
Community Board: Find Party System

Geodata: L2OFF
DDOS Protection: Enabled
AntiBot Protection: Captcha/Smart guard in the future.
DualBox Protection: Ip restriction

Automatic Vote Reward System
you can vote every 12 Hours
Vote Coin / Event toke Event Token for participate on Tournament Event
.hopzone First vote on the web and then use the command
.itopz First vote on the web and then use the command
.l2network First vote on the web and then use the command
.l2jbrasil First vote on the web and then use the command
.menu: Open the main menu with all settings
.expon / .expoff: Enable/disable the acquisition of experience
Message/Trade/Party: Enable/disable refuse of request
/buffshop: Enable/disable customizable private store sell buff
Donation: Automatic donation reward (No Pay 2 Win)
Vip system Check ingame for the benefits using command .menu
Report: Report on discord for (bug/bot/etc)
Olympiad Status/Rank: Coming soon ingame.